Water filter: a unique and useful Christmas gift

During the 6 years of Social Impakt’s journey in providing access to clean drinking water in Indonesia, 2020 is by far the most challenging year. In early 2020, we faced a difficult situation because of COVID-19. Everyone who relies on tourism lost income. Due to the pandemic, tourists can’t visit Bali. The impact of Covid-19 […]
Support Needy Families In Bali With A Water filter to help them save money and improve their health

SOCIAL IMPAKT : A journey through Indonesia’s remote areas with a mission in mind, improving access to clean water.

Back in 2011, I was Vice President Europe, Middle East and Africa for a British corporation, based in Dublin, led a business of 260 million USD with 7 factories and 800 employees, traveling and earning always more. Suddenly, in 2011, I experienced a shift. I realized that I was helping companies making money, but I was not […]
Social and economic impact of low cost water purification

Only two and a half percent of the planet’s fresh water supply is suitable for drinking. Twelve per cent of the world’s population uses eighty-five percent of its water and 1.2 billion people in the developing world are denied adequate access to clean drinking water. The lack of proper water sanitation measures within developing countries […]
Access to clean water in Indonesia by Social ImpaKt

Water is the driving force of all nature, Leonardo Da Vinci claimed. Safe drinking water is essential for health and general well being. In 2010, the UN General Assembly recognized safe drinking water and sanitation as a human right, meaning every person should have access to safe water and basic sanitation. However, this basic right […]
Impact of Nazava Water Filters to date

Since its start at the end of 2009 Nazava Water Filters has provided 40.000 households and 200.000 people with access to safe drinking water, thereby reducing human diseases and enabling households to save a total of 2.6 million USD . In addition, Nazava has exported filters to East Timor, Pakistan, Laos, Mozambique, Netherlands, USA, […]
Access to clean water in Indonesia

70% of the Indonesian population has a self-provided source of primary water; this means that there is no quality control for the kind of water that people use for their daily needs. (Source: Worldbank) People get their water through a private well, community well or from a water truck. Mostly this water is contaminated with […]
Offer and collaboration with NGOs, private companies and expatriates

Social ImpaKt/PT Karya Guna Prima is interested to work with NGOs because on the one hand they are really active in the field and on the other hand they can provide funds for an innovative impacting product. As a private business, Social ImpaKt/PT Garya Guna Prima shares the same values than an NGO: placing the […]
Water, a social and sanitary issue. Everyone is concerned !

Lack of access to safe drinking water contributes to the staggering burden of diarrhoeal diseases worldwide, particularly affecting the young, the immuno compromised and the poor. Diarrhea is when you pass three or more loose stools a day. When diarrhea lasts more than a few days, your body loses too much water and salt. Nearly […]
First collaboration with Bali Spirit Festival

To be present for the 1st time at the Bali Spirit Festival is an important achievement to accustom Expatriates living in Bali with water filters. Expatriates and also people from abroad are powerful leaders to spread the word. We all should have access to drinkable water in our homes whatever our social origin. For this first sponsorship, Social […]