Impact of Nazava Water Filters to date


Since its start at the end of 2009 Nazava Water Filters has provided 40.000 households and 200.000 people with access to safe drinking water, thereby reducing human diseases and enabling households to save a total of 2.6 million USD . In addition, Nazava has exported filters to East Timor, Pakistan, Laos, Mozambique, Netherlands, USA, Rwanda, Philippines, India and Japan.


200.000 people with improved health

2.6 million USD increase in disposable income

10,270 ton reduction in CO2 emissions

Impact calculation


  • People with improved health: Cumulative amount of unit filters sold between 2009 and 2014 times the average household size of 5
  • Increase in disposable income: Amount of filters sold between 2009 and 2015 times the annual cost saving of 68 USD assuming that 50 % of our consumers buys refill water, 25 % boils water on LPG and 25 % on wood.
  • Greenhouse gas reduction: Based on filter sales between 2009 and 2014 and a continuous use rate of 50 % (see Appendix A: Revenue and cost Assumptions) and an emission reduction per water filter of 0.27 tCO2e

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