Penawaran dan kerjasama dengan LSM, perusahaan swasta dan ekspatriat
Penawaran dan kerjasama dengan LSM Social ImpaKt/ PT Karya Guna Prima tertarik untuk bekerja sama dengan LSM karena di satu sisi mereka benar-benar aktif di
Penawaran dan kerjasama dengan LSM Social ImpaKt/ PT Karya Guna Prima tertarik untuk bekerja sama dengan LSM karena di satu sisi mereka benar-benar aktif di
Kurangnya akses terhadap air minum yang aman memiliki kontribusi terhadap beban mengejutkan penyakit diare di seluruh dunia, yang khususnya mempengaruhi masyarakat yang berusia muda, dan
Since its start at the end of 2009 Nazava Water Filters has provided 40.000 households and 200.000 people with access to safe drinking water,
70% of the Indonesian population has a self-provided source of primary water; this means that there is no quality control for the kind of water
Social ImpaKt/PT Karya Guna Prima is interested to work with NGOs because on the one hand they are really active in the field and on
Lack of access to safe drinking water contributes to the staggering burden of diarrhoeal diseases worldwide, particularly affecting the young, the immuno compromised and the
To be present for the 1st time at the Bali Spirit Festival is an important achievement to accustom Expatriates living in Bali with water filters. Expatriates and
To be present for the 1st time at the Bali Spirit Festival is an important achievement to accustom Expatriates living in Bali with water filters. Expatriates and
I joined the team of Fair Future Foundation at 7.15 am on Saturday at Sanur Sindhu beach. It was a rainy day and the sea
I joined the team of Fair Future Foundation at 7.15 am on Saturday at Sanur Sindhu beach. It was a rainy day and the sea
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